Community Discussion - What do you want?

i still wish to see a day where perpheads players would communicate without diseases erupting out of my poor headphones
It'd take FAR too long. That and its been done before and it apparently didn't go well
Hello, will address some pressing issues that have been brought up to me personally and publicly. Thank you for creating this post @Ayjay is nice to see an attempt to fix communication and I'm happy to see my suggestion being brought into practice.

Although this is a good first step I would like to see a reintroduction of community assemblies, not only does this allow us to get our points across it allows the staff team and especially senior administration to respond. Special appearances from Devs & owners would allow us to also bring development and major community changes across.

Secondly I have seen the criticism from @Slayerduck and other members of the community regarding our new org and how it will be the death of the server, although I heavily disagree I'm willing to listen to any viable suggestions. Tonight the 3 owners have decided to kick multiple members in an attempt to cut on numbers and to become the small, elite group we once were. A side note, @Ayjay 'banning and then joining us' is a bit silly. Ayjay and other members of staff within the org such as @Super_ & @Collier are allowing players such as myself who have been away for a year to understand the rules and not get into any trouble. We only ask that we are given a clean slate and not judged off of the start, although its deserved its hard to change when you are instantly painted with the same brush as previously. Any issues regarding the org please leave a reply underneath and I can respond to you asap.

Suggestions and discussions posts are hardly looked at and I'd love to see this improved upon, the community is screaming for change however the communication is that poor that it's a stale mate. It's essentially trench warfare between the community and administration, something that must be fixed. Although @TinySlayer got annoyed by me reminding him of posts it was on my half only within an attempt to get what the community wanted, I still believe the recoil thread should still be looked at and discussed at a community assembly, or a simple poll.

I'm happy with the PD and believe its been taken in a good direction however would like to see an increase in staff actually punishing officers for breaking the law, maybe this is something Senior Administration can work towards but its not a high priority as of current.
I'm not saying as that i really want a rifle over all the weapons but for the price of a rifle it's not worth the recoil it's really bad to the point you can't use it and the best solution fo this is fixing the recoil
The idea of a hard reset is tempting for me personally, change all the prices to realistic prices, for example IRL a tesla is 80k MAX, so maybe dont remove peoples cars. but change drug yeild to realistic prices, for example £50 a bag of weed, and make everything more balanced then maybe 5k start cash can easily start a players perp life @Ayjay
I hope this thread can generate some positive discussion, and won't turn into a massive bitch-fest. We really want to see what you guys want, so I do ask that you remain
respectful and dignified when posting here.