Community Discussion - What do you want?

More legal yes, more easy no

way too fucking easy to make money atm
AK101 is always weird for me but that might be because Rifle is the only marksmanship stat I haven't maxed out.
I'd say atleast half the staff team is in the metagaming ring right now, i belive strongly that its something that needs to be sorted from the inside to get people to stop metagaming. I watch groups go around and do full raids and scout without speaking a word
I'd love to see an limit on the amount of players allowed to be within an active situation. This would fix much of the aids zerging right now instead of doing the shit of trying to get orgs to be smaller when it doesn't fix the problem, they're all still mates and will all raid together. To make it fair though i do belive that this number should be changed accounting for the amount of active police on the server at the time.

can we please have legal ways to make money it has been years and the update that i heard was coming for them is nowhere to be seen we don't get any dev updates or anything anymore about it just some small updates to crim vs cop and those of us who dont do either are left in the dust still
i very much feel like both the PD update, drug table and casino table were a waste of time and if that time was spent on legal fun jobs the server might have a whole different set of players on it right now
How would you limit the players allowed to be active within a situation?

What legal ways of money would you like to be added?
well the farm is certainly the top place to have a new job, maybe a new growing system with crops involved? Would be nice if there was things in place also to make it so 10 shitheads with aks dont roll up on uncle joe busy with his wheat crops
This really shows how little you play slayerduck. You say the issue is 'one big nasty orgy no competition' but it was like this after they were banned when jer owned megalolis. Nothing the staff say is going to change it tbh. sure they could tell us we have to make small orgs but I don't see why everyone can't face the factv that the server is never going back to what it was.
I’ve never heard of concerns in regards to the RTU Unmarked Vauxhall before, in fact most people say it’s the best of the unmarked cars. The Porsche is a little rubbish when it comes to handling, but with practice becomes much easier. I’ve driven both the Porsche and the Insignia a lot and as yet have not found any issue worth flagging.