Israel and Palestine?

@Puma and you think, if israel was dissolved, they wont let those Jewish peoples live in peace?
@Puma Not sure how much you've studied Islamic influence on politics or IR, but the vast majority of these states do not, and will not want to be seen dealing with the Israelis.

During the Munich Massacre, King Hussein of Jordan was the only leader of an Arab country to denounce the attack publicly.

Iran doesn't have the Jews but hey, let's fund the terrorist groups that kill the innocent Jews for us.
@Jay_ Still dont know what you're talking about.

and ahh yes, "my level". Because Jay Henderson from the Arnold family has always been top tier. Amazing!
@Puma If there's no feasible way then yes. Do you think those in Russia calling for the return of the USSR are ever going to be successful?
The UK is a modern, industrial democratic nation so any changes in its existence would most likely be a peaceful transition (such as through a referendum).

Palestine was just a 5th rate sand castle. People be acting like we've lost the central hub of learning, science, medicine and culture lmao
@Duffy How can you blame neighbours for not wanting to cooperate with people who got their neighbours land stolen? And yes I know about the Munich Massacre and it's a disgrace that more arab leaders didnt come out condemning it but thats besides the point.

and fuck iran while we're at but what does that have to do with anything?
@Puma who do you think one the most persecuted religions is in the middle east? It's Christians and Jews.

You think a Palestinian state would respect the rights of Jews and protect them through law?
@Duffy You think that it would be a peaceful transition if their country got stolen and given to another nation?

and the "5th rate sand castle" i cannot
@Puma oh okay. So like why didn't Iceland come to the aid of Ireland then? They're 'neighbours' (closest country beside the UK).

or hey why didn't the south Africans come to the aid of Rhodesia after the Lancaster house agreement?

Unless there's a specific defensive alliance, which there isn't, a modern state will not go to war because their neighbour stopped existing.

If Scotland goes independent and UK breaks up, will France send troops to re occupy Scotland for the English and rest of UK?

didn't think so.

also, Iran is middle Eastern country that hates Jews, which you just said Muslim countries don't