Israel and Palestine?

@jjjackier No didn't expect shit because that's reality just like the fact arguing here won't lead anywhere and also won't change anything if you guys like to discuss it go ahead I don't mind it at all you can hate on Israel even if you wish I even doubt Israelis here would care because it's a basic we receive enough hate around the world so one more a thousand more a milion more won't change anything.and also like you were saying " Disregard any and all who disagree with you, am I right?" No I honestly couldn't care less when people disagree with me my opinion is enough for my self yours is yours and that's where it ends. Like there's your perspective and my perspective I obviously won't agree with you on something that I don't think is right
@jjjackier "you can hate on Israel even if you wish"
Never said you did I said you could if you wish and either way it wouldn't change anything
@Moon LMAO your whole argument was based on pathos providing no argument where you had to result to ad hominem
I clearly meant the Israeli govt.

And no, I think Zionism (in terms of the Jewish state idea) is wrong because I believe it’s inherently racist: To settle here you have to be a Jew.

there’s a lot of backhanded racism here lmao. Feelin like I’m looking at Facebook groups hosted by TurningPoint and Momentum
Because virtually all religious texts describe Israel as the place for the Jews?

Why do the Muslims or Hindus or Christians deserve their own territory? There exists ZERO Jewish states beside Israel. Yet every other major religion have their own countries.

These countries not being able to cope with a Jewish state next to them is their problem. They should learn to be more accepting and modern like their Western counterparts.
Bit contradictory.

The biggest threat to the Jewish population just so happens to be from the anti Semitic Islamic states that refuse to accept or recognise Israel, and instead try to bomb it or fund terrorist groups inside it :)


Dave from the EDL sitting in his pub is less a threat to the Jews than Achmed and his fanatical army with tanks, planes and guns.
@ShadowJoey so everyone can have a state but the Jews?

Quite racist to allow everyone else to have one but the Jews.....

If you oppose religious states then you should be opposing half the world's countries?
They're not Jewish so you don't really care.
@Duffy lol as if, I wrote in a post yesterday that I agree that religion has a place in the modern world but should have no interference in the state of politics. Such as how I am happy the papacy has retracted itself from global politics - hey look protestants ruling a cou... oh wait the queen has no power so she can't be compared here.

I oppose state religious power.
@ShadowJoey Yet the CoE is the 'state religion' in the UK, in many courts in the world you swear on a bible. The majority of marriages are Christian ceremonies.

Everyone shits on the Jews, but turns a blind eye to the Islamic human rights abuses plaguing our world.

You've still yet to answer my question as to why every other major religion can have a state to call their own but the Jews can't.

And so I reiterate
