Upcoming Server Update

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Dragging Handcuffed Players:

When a player is handcuffed, police employees are able to right click them with fists and it will begin dragging the player. You can stop dragging people by right clicking again. You also get set to the same walk speed as a handcuffed player.
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England, Norfolk
With the indicators I am expecting a 5 car pile up and a big hazard lights spam followed by headlights and police lights with a LT asking if it is a roadside club.
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Just thought I should put this here, that I've made a number of graphical changes which really effect the atmosphere of how things look during different times of the day, so nights are darker and days are effectively brighter. The darkness is subject to change, as some testers report it may be slightly too dark. Here are some images to show off how it looks.

Secondly, I have corrected fish to now properly cook with a stove again. Additionally, if you leave it to cook for too long you will now burn your fish, making its nutritional value worse than if you simply ate it raw (raw fish is decent for hunger recovery, but far better cooked), and high chance to puke which reduces your hunger more than the gain by eating it so I wouldn't recommend it, but if it's the only food you have, I guess go for it.
In order from left to right... Raw, Cooked, Burnt

Both lieutenant and mayor menu no longer allow you to type the default reason to warrant/demote someone, and when you go to type a reason, it will remove the text automatically as to make typing a reason quickly easy. One thing to quickly note, warrants/demotes done by the mayor must be done by talking to one of the two clerks at the front desk of city hall (yes the text is a bit misleading for this, but taxes and salaries are also done here). No longer through F3 (result of this poll). Also, refer to THIS POST about what permissions the mayor has to demote while there is an active lieutenant.
The first option is the one you would want.

And one thing I kept forgetting to do, despite making a big deal of it on my profile, crafting system. I have completely changed it, no longer do you simply press then wait for the item to appear in your inventory or in front of you, it is more actively done and thereby if you can remember how, the faster you can craft theoretically. Basically what happens is, you click on the item you wish to make (assuming you can make it) [I've also made it so if you can't craft something you will receive a notification as to what the reason detected is], once you have pressed it, it will bring you to the current mixture tab which shows the various ingredients used to make an item. Only one of which will be highlighted in green, and the rest will be red. You want to click on the green one which then will start an assembly meter, which takes a short while, until the next item can be used. The number of items you must click, is generally the same amount of items of that type that the mixture takes. So like with a bat, you need 1 hunk of polymer and two chunks of plastic, you will click plastic twice and polymer once overall (the order is always the same each time you craft, but it may seem randomized). If you press on the red one, all that happens is the assembly meter goes as normal, but no progress to your end goal is made. The progress bar at the top shows your current overall progress as well as how far along the assembly process is while actively adding something. One critical thing to note, if you close the crafting menu while creating something, it will set you back 5 steps, as to prevent potential abuse that could have arose as this is no longer a simple timer until you're done. Here are some images to demonstrate its use and how it appears.
Here is crafting 00 buckshot rounds for a shotgun.

A couple correct presses later, I now have this...

As you can see I now have 40% completed, but when I add an item the bar moves across the whole way showing percent complete of that assembly step. Overall it is quite simple. I have yet to properly setup all the different assembly delays, as some items you can create in just a few seconds, which would not be ideal or realistic.

There's other random changes I've made, but nothing huge that I can think of off the top of my head, just small fixes here and there which were needed. Anyways, more stuff to tease you guys with as we wait to release. =P
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Just remembered one thing I omitted from my last post, but considering some people have already commented specifically on that, I'll just double post. BECAUSE I CAN! Actually it's to get people to see this that are interested in the upcoming update since editing a post doesn't show up as a new post.

Moving on though, firetrucks (the large one) always had multiple colors possible since the release of Paralake City V2, but it was never really a serious thing to bother adding, but one day I was bored and decided I might as well actually implement, so here they are...

The color obviously has no effect on anything, it is simply for style. Enjoy.

Additionally, if you were confused at all about the crafting system, here are some simple representations of how it works... As stated previously, the assembly time still needs adjustment for all mixtures.
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I remember adding these skins to the firetruck. I was going through all the textures, sorting through what we needed and what not. I got bored and tossed in a few extra skins for the firetruck. Finally, they will be used!
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May edit this post as the day goes on


Now the DNA tool shows the proper status of if someone is alive or not while lying there on the ground. Still REALLY need to change how it operates so if the killer or the victim disconnect you are still able to ID the body and the killer instead of it just omitting that kind of information. Also just the way information is sent to the DNA tool in general right now is less than ideal as it is a bit of a cluster**** of knowing what can and can't be sent. Also this needs to be changed for when the detective job becomes a real thing, as it will require more information than can simply be obtained at present. So that unfortunately will take longer than I would like but necessary to do at some point.

Also I've changed it so now when you set things for sale, it shoudn't allow people to pick up before you've actually gave it a price, even if that price was free. Also it no longer only gives a price to the last thing you dropped, but each item you dropped if you get multiple windows. Ideally you might not want to do it this way so you're clearly aware of which one you're setting at the time, but at least now if you spam drop you can list each one for sale instead of having to do each one at a time specifically.

If you didn't see before, car dealer window included the number of after market kits on each car. It now also displays the number of seats available. I still need to determine a better overall design for the car dealer in general, but for now it's just listed with the other relevant information about a car.
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Could the Mechanic display what the car upgrades would do to your car if bought? For example, if it increases the max speed and such.
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The firetruck/ambulance/swat vehicle models we're currently using don't support any form of text or decals. I've tried my best to slap logos/text on them and results were bad. The UV maps weren't set up properly which means they will have to stay pure colour and nothing else.
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Salzburg, Austria
The firetruck/ambulance/swat vehicle models we're currently using don't support any form of text or decals. I've tried my best to slap logos/text on them and results were bad. The UV maps weren't set up properly which means they will have to stay pure colour and nothing else.
Oh well, thanks for the info tho.
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I slightly improved the look of lights on cars, so they are now better looking in my opinion, and should do absolutely nothing to performance really. So win win.
GIF isn't the best FPS so might not show every frame and not the best quality of how it looks, but you can at least get an idea...

Now you are in for the real treat and the far more exciting change. I have added the ability to color your accessories! That's right, when you buy yourself an accessory from the shop you will also have the ability to color it almost however you like (I say almost just because there are certain limits, but should not hamper your style choice at all). So if you thought you really could customize your character before, this adds another level on top of that. Also you can clearly see each accessory before purchasing so you can easily tell what on it is being colored.

Yes I know this doesn't match the previous color, but it does buy the right color.

Some NPCs will now also be occasionally wearing a few accessories themselves, so they'll be just as stylish. Only issue I have run across with this so far is if you buy the same accessory you already own it will not change the color of it, so I may have my work cut out for me trying to refund people in order for them to pick their new color. Either that or I will change the system so if an item is the default white, you can color for free (probably a better solution).

Anyways I'm tired and don't feel like typing huge paragraphs like normal, so again, I will post images later in the day, but as for now take my word for it and daydream of the possibilities.
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Very nicely described , cosmetic update. Thank you Stephen for your efforts and for future updates . I appreciate your hard work and all the other Developers . You are doing a great job. Sometimes I want to help you because I know a lot of languages in memory . I mean programming languages . But I see that you're doing well and you do not need help.

Thank you for all your effort spent for this server . Thanks to you , we can have a good time.
A small change , and can do so much .
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Fredy and myself worked feverishly today/tonight trying to understand what the problem is with indicators and why you'll see that sometimes they just completely fail to show up properly even though you may see the outline of where it should be. We never found an exact cause that made a whole lot of sense as to why headlights/taillights would generally display fine but not indicators. So Fredy worked on simply making a work around which should be better all around anyways. So now indicators will appear as they were intended to be. Not many people really complained about this, but in my opinion it is something that is a critical thing that needed to be fixed as people could potentially be pulled over for not using their indicator when in fact they did. Plus as you may note, I have been working quite a bit lately to simply make the server look nicer where I can.


Ferrari 458 with hazard lights on

Few other changes include but not limited to...
  • Bodygroups are kept upon death so officers will retain their hats and belt equipment and other such general "job wear" for other jobs
  • Taxes are fixed so the mayor is now actually able to set 75% income tax and have it take effect. (Side note: Income tax default is raised to 40%, will post a poll about other possible changes regarding taxes and what mayor can do)
  • Vehicles can now become dirty from being driven around, not just from crashes. Takes a fair bit of driving so this shouldn't add any major expenses just an occasional thing that must be done
  • Fixes regarding animations and trying to avoid conflicting ones (Note: This probably won't be perfect by the way some things work)
  • A few but not all, vehicle light positions fixed, still working on handling though
  • Book of law now shows more information regarding job info, found in the Safety First store.
  • Able to move while bandaging, but same speed as cuffed and unable to switch weapons during
  • Fixed a certain vehicle using the wrong script which caused it to be faster than it should be
  • Added a new function to chat "/act" will play preset animations, full list of animations to be published another time, may make some into premium only. Unfortunately you will not see yourself play these animations unless looking in a mirror but will get a notice whether successful or not. (e.g. "/act clap" to play a clapping animation)
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Might be too late anyway, but I speculate the indicators not always working was due to the rotational positioning of some of them. From one angle they were fine, but as you'd move the blinkers would hardly be noticable all of a sudden. A bit like seeing only the silouhette of the light from behind a lamp.

Anyways, good to see them being fixed! Also really like the addidtion of the act command. Perhaps make an ingame book with all the act commands and call it "Acting for dummies"?

PS: I've tried to address your points regarding limited legal activities in one of my idea threads. Perhaps you could take a look at it?
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