Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

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Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't mean simple mistakes, I mean if they don't know what they are doing at all.
@HaydenC if an officer does something very very bad then they will most likely get a suspension until their complaint gets handled. Why do you think IA is complicated and how is it time consuming to you?
@Lelios Thank you for asking! (I forgot to write my reasoning!) Every time I make an IA it takes days before it gets finished. You have to make statements and give more evidence info etc. I understand that you have to have solid 100% proof but, to be honest, I don't want to spend my time making IA's I just want to play the game.
@HaydenC Investigators has a 6 day time-frame to complete the complaint once they get assigned. If no one is doing it within that time, contact me or make a Helpdesk Ticket to Internal Affairs. IF you don't want to spend your time making IA's, don't then.
@Ashur I predicted this response: "why would you make them". When it happens several times, you do get tired of it so you have to do something about it.
@HaydenC true, complaints do need a while to get closed. Unfortunately I can't think of any other way for them to work though. Statements and evidence are needed for a complaint to be smoothly dealt with, as you understand as well. About the time a complaint takes to be dealt with, you need to take into account the time it takes for the investigators to review the complaint, request a statement, the defendant to send back a statement, the complainant to comment on the statement, the final report to be written and then the complaint committee to finally review the complaint which needs at least 3 people to be present and have lots of other complaints to handle as well. If you have a better way to handle these then by all means! I'd genuinely be happy to hear and possibly even implement it.
I'd argue that 2.5 isn't one of the prime reasons for people leaving, considering we've had two threads discussing the issues and you're the only one (from memory) that's actually mentioned it directly. I'm not saying that this rule amongst others shouldn't be refined and defined a little better, but it being a primary issue is just simply not true.

I think you might of hit the nail on the head with the marksmanship thing - It adds something to do, and actually getting them levels is quite rewarding. On the other hand, the way it impacts your aim and recoil so much could be seen as pretty ridiculous. I personally think that all guns should have a default value that shoots the same regardless of how long you have played, and we could think of other things that markmanship could be used for. We would likely lower the amount of levels to 8 if we were to actually carry on using it.

One argument against what I've said above is the money and time that people have spent on gaining these marksmanship skills - It's apparent that the community wants to remove this function, but would we all be happy with losing out on this money we once spent?
A few of your other points:

Cosmetic items can be added, but we struggle with models considering there's very few people capable of actually making these - @Madda seems to be improving on this front so maybe he'd be willing to make a few now and again.

There's little to no cars left in the TDMCars pack that we can use, we added the rest (with the help of @D3V) a few months ago. The only way we could potentially add more cars, is if we used another pack such as the Wolfie ones. This is a possibility and @TinySlayer and I played about with the idea, however it would likely require a lot of work.

New in-game content is in the works, and I will personally be releasing as much as I can after Christmas - I really would like to address the primary concerns of all players and then work toward more cosmetic, smaller things. It's important that we get the main gameplay mechanics sorted before we think of completing less-complex tasks.

I can't speak for the actual process of staff complaints anymore, but I doubt it has changed in the last few months - The staff complaints section is relatively straight forward, if you have evidence of a staff member doing something wrong, post it in this section along with some details and Senior Administration will deal with it. I don't see what is difficult or time consuming about this process, if you could suggest ways this actually could be improved, maybe @TinySlayer @Bolli and @Madda could take this on board.

@Collier isn't Senior Administrator although could be one day, I am sure he is more than capable to take on this role if the opportunity arose.
Um, ur talking out ur ass, I don’t raid new players, and even if I do without realising we either leave them alone and leave or actually give them money/items.
As Ayjay has already said, the staff complaints section is quite straight forward. However should you have any suggestions regarding it feel free to message myself, @TinySlayer or @Bolli.

What cosmetic items would you like to see implemented?
In general some new clothing items. Some limited rare cosmetic items would be really nice!
@HaydenC The clothing is a little more tricky, that'd be more @Carrot since he has the software for it - Some rare cosmetics are doable, I'm sure we can fit that in the pipeline somewhere.
I actually really support this, for the first time in ages I saw a mini organization war and it was fun to experience as a police officer, and I'm sure many people would agree the chaos of the fight was very enjoyable, even if they didn't take part. There was to an extent a bit of PD organization to try and take down the war, both on the dispatchers side and officers side which made it a bit more interesting.

Wouldn't want to see a new war every day but for sure more often than they currently do
The issue with the server population isn't that old players are leaving, that has never been an issue. Over the years there has been many people that have come and gone but the issue now is that new players aren't joining or sticking around. A lot of people have mentioned ways to remedy players not sticking around (Marksmanship and a complicated drug system) but no one has mentioned that there's no way in which the server is advertised.

Back in the day you used to have @Alyt making videos of actual roleplay on PERP and it brought many players to the server but now a days you have nothing of the sort. A solution to this could be giving a "Youtuber" rank or something similar to people that meet requirements, e.g. 300 views each video or 500 subs. A lot of Minecraft servers employ something similar and I think it could benefit the server population in regards to new players joining and also having an idea of how to play the server.

I have stayed away from these conversations on purpose as they often turn into more a "bitch fest" however, I believe some people are providing constructive feedback and I thought I would give you my feedback considering I am long standing member of this community and seen it go through some serious changes, since joining in 2015.
However, it must be noted I haven't played the criminal RP in over 2 years and that is due to me personally not enjoying it as I only enjoyed it back in 2015 due to the large organisation their were. So most of my feedback will be based on the police department.

Police Department Feedback:

Wow.,, It has seriously changed since I joined. The white list is a great asset and would be stupid to completely remove it and would dramatically reduce the quality of role play throughout the entire server. The police department is great however, room for improvement is certainly needed. I have played 200/300 plus hours as an LEO from the rank Officer -> current (Lt) and I have to say it is a lot better than it was in 2017 when I left. However, the main negative that I have seen since coming back is how strict the Complaint committee is.. when I left the whole of idea of getting a punishment was rare and wasn't nearly as common however, they are given out on a regular base and in my option you are watched like a hawk and nobody enjoys it and makes people want to step down.

Personal experience,
I obtained Lt and the Internal affairs I was hit was unbelievable and just beyond stupid. The first one in over 8months was for "Laws - 3.2 Right to Charge + HandBook - 1(!) Use of Force Policy - Moderate/Limited Force | The Officer failed to give a suspect a reasonable chance to cooperate when the suspect was in a vehicle and proceeded to ram the suspect out of the vehicle seconds later. " Upon a dispute I was denied as I should of waited longer than the 3/4 seconds I gave , this warranted a WRITTEN WARNING, honestly made me one give my notice in and that has reflected in my play time. Complaint Committee needs to be re-worked in my option as they are never understanding and always issue a punishment even for stupid things like this.
Complaint Committee continues as it is, I believe it will play a key part in the demise of PerpHeads.

Above the is main point I believe needs to be focused on within the police department to really attract and keep talent within the police department and ths keeping players on the server.

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